ROEWU's Bamboo Forest House: a showcase for fledgling architects

Emerging UK based architect ROEWUarchitecuture recently completed this vacation house for an extended family in Eastern Taiwan. Located in a dense urban area and confined on two sides by party walls, the house gains light and air through its street façade, which is treated with an undulating bamboo screen that also provides privacy and security for the building’s occupants.

The interior is intended to be experienced as an organic forest. Sunlight and air filter in through the bamboo poles changing the character and use of the space over the course of the day and the changing seasons. In winter, a karaoke lounge and spa on the second floor form a focal point for bathing and singing. During the summer, the roof deck, with its variably patterned sunshade system and surrounding bamboo, invites cool breezes and becomes the family’s favourite gathering spot.
Natural ventilation is provided to the entire house through several double and triple-height void spaces that penetrate through the heart of the house and open to the roof.